Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Please add to the family sicklist: Lindsay Kathryn Briscoe
We have had an exciting week. Maybe not so much as Lisa and Cameron, but still not too fun. Basically ever since we got back from our road trip to the Grand Canyon and Morgan and Sadi's wedding, Lindsay's stomach hurt. At first it was a dull pain that wouldn't go away, and then on Thursday it started to be a sharper pain right beneath her diaphragm. We got a little worried when by SUnday it didn't improve. So on Sunday afternoon we went to the family nurse (Michelle) for a little advise. She listened and gave a few ideas and things to try. That was helpful. Nate and I also had the opportunity to give Lindsay a priesthood blessing. It is amazing to be surrounded by so many great and worthy men. Most of the day Sunday Lindsay was fine, but that night we were awake a lot of the night because it hurt a lot. So Monday morning she went to the doctor with her mom, I was at work. The doctor did a fairly quick diagnosis of either Gastritis or an ulcer. So Lindsay is now taking gross stomach lining repairer medicine that tastes like rotten strawberry milk with chalk bits in it, yes I tasted a tiny bit, four times a day and some other pills two times a day. bleak. Also she is on a quite restrictive, aka not fun, diet where she can't eat spicy foods, fatty foods, greasy foods, acidic foods, caffiene, chocolate, citris fruits, tomatoes, or anything that tastes good. That isn't really too much fun. With medicine and a diet, it is supposed to heal itself completely within a month, with the pain stopping within the week.

Tanya, Lindsay's mom, has been super helpful and willing to do whatever to help out. Also Michelle has been asking and showing some good concern. We are doing fine, but if you would like to send any donations, whether it be in kind or monetary, please do so to: 149 East 200 North, Providence, UT 84332. Thank you for your generosity. Ha. Just kidding.

Actually something that would help would be some good ideas of foods that taste bad enough to be allowed. That would be helpful. Love you all. Peace out


Mindy said...

Oh no! That is no fun. I'm sorry Lindsay. I am going to send you all of my grossest, healthiest recipes and you can see if any of them fit the bill. :)


Grace Face said...

that does not sound like a good time. i'm sorry. good luck finding healthy/gross foods!
