Saturday, September 12, 2009

Garden and Animals

We planted all sorts of vegetables and filled up the garden. We faithfully watered, but we didn’t feel like it was all that important to weed while the house was super flooded, and after that there were too many and we were still super busy so we got discouraged and didn’t weed any. Our peas were great there were a ton. We also had a million raspberries, but we stopped picking them after 4 batches of jam, 12 bags of frozen raspberries, and Lindsay getting bit by a horsefly resulting in a week of swollen foot and a week of antibiotics. But the Clarks and Israelsens still pick them once in a while.

Our carrots are kind of shrimpy but they taste good. We’ve got potatoes and onions too. Our lettuce and about half of our cucumbers tasted bitter. The Clarks had success with tomatoes, but Lindsay doesn’t like tomatoes, so we don’t eat them a lot. Our pumpkins are looking good too. We’re also excited for apples and plums. We got pepper starts from Lindsay’s mom, but a weird thing happened. The plants didn’t grow once they got outside, but the peppers did. So we have puny little plants holding pretty big peppers.

Things that failed: beans, they didn’t even pop out of the ground. I guess that’s what happens when you go searching through the garage for the seeds for your garden. Also corn. . . It was looking great until we went to Europe and according to Grandpa they got too much water while we were gone. So now they are all white and wrinkly.

I would say it wasn’t too bad for our first gardening experience.

Pet update: the cat is still alive despite all our efforts. It likes to sit outside the office door like a creeper and waits for us to come out of our room. Also it still hides in the back of the bathroom and when you least expect it, the cat comes out and starts rubbing your leg while you are using the toilet. It creeps Lindsay out, and I’m not such a big fan of it either.
The fish: At the moment there are three fish living. All the flood contractors and painters think the plecostomus looks prehistoric.

The horses: dead, no just kidding, how do you kill a horse. I’m starting to have to feed them and i’m not looking forward to it so much.

Nate’s cows: Nate’s 3 cows live where the dogs used to live. They are getting pretty big. Nate is planning on selling them in October so he doesn’t have to deal with them while he’s getting married and such. Turns out his profit will be a grand total of. . . . $50.

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