Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy House

It has been kind of a busy week here at the house. Yesterday Morgan and Sadi Pope arrived after their honeymoon in Disneyland. They will be here Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They live in the second apartment. It is fun to have them, because they are our first close friends to get married. We really like Sadi, and Morgan is okay as well. Hopefully we get a chance to play some games with them before they head back down to Phoenix.

Also today, we had the excitement of hosting about 25-30 Zollingers on a tour of the house. They were all in town for the funeral of Chet Zollinger and all the sisters wanted to see the house. It was fun to listen to them get excited about different features that were still there in the house and also be amazed about how much things had changed. One funny interesting tidbit is that Ron and Diana Zollinger (of the Zollinger fruit farm) lived in the third apartment when they were first married. Also Ron's parents lived in the third apartment when they were first married. So that is just cute. or weird. whichever.

In the random short visits this week we have had Will Anderson for about 30 seconds to get a book and drop off a check. Nate to get help burning a DVD of his mission slideshow. Dave and Nate came over to help look at the plumbing problems in the basement. Michelle came to borrow red Jello. Brianna Bagley came to get help fixing her bike tire. Mom Bagley came a goodly number of times to take Lindsay to the doctor and take care of her while I was at work and bring her soup. Marion Done came creeping around on her walker to deliver a present for Lisa and Cameron. The Emery's stopped by, but just to the porch when we weren't there, to leave Lisa and Cameron a giant box.

So yeah. I guess its a good thing we keep the house so immaculate. Other wise that would be VERY embarrassing.


Mindy said...

You are so funny. I love it. Yeah, good thing about the clean house. :) You two really do deserve some kudos for doing all that work. It's a big house!


Grace Face said...

i love the part when you say "that's just cute. or weird. or whatever" or something to that effect. looks like life's keeping you busy. sounds exciting! next year i'll be one of those visitors!