Monday, February 16, 2009

An Inspirational Love Story

Here is a happy love story that is better than any other love story I've ever heard. Also, it's about 89% accurate.

Once upon a time I was running cross country in high school, I don't want to brag too much, but I was pretty good. It was the summer and I usually didn't pay much attention to the new girls, most of them only lasted a few weeks anyway, but there was a girl that caught my attention. I'm not going to lie, but she wasn't the best runner in the world, actually one of the worst, but some how Lindsay intrigued me. Lucky for me, my dear sister Jessica was good friends with Lindsay, and I was able to spend time with her without too many questions being asked.

Cross country was over before I knew it, and I wondered if I would be able to spend that valuable time with Lindsay. Lucky for me she decided to run after school in the winter, she is a very social person and I'm pretty sure if her friends hadn't encouraged her to run she wouldn't have at all, especially in the winter.

There is one very specific day that stands out in my mind, where I am pretty sure I fell in love with her. Morgan, Madie, Lindsay, and I decided to play in the snow instead of run. That year there was an excessive amount of snow and the mountains of snow on the edges of the parking lot were huge. We being the mature high schoolers that we were decided that we should race to the top of the mountains showing no mercy. If someone was in the way they were fair game to get trampled or thrown down the mountain. It was a blast. That day I realized how much fun Lindsay could be and how I loved to hear her laugh.

I took Lindsay on her first date when she was 16. We went ice skating, I don't really remember it too well, but it makes the story better.

I didn't spend a lot of time with Lindsay after I graduated, before my mission. She was hanging out with Jessica when I decided to attempt the "Gallon Challenge", I failed. But for some reason she didn't have a problem being friends with a failure, also, she wasn't grossed out. :)

Lindsay knows good music, so I lent her my CD's while I went on my mission, with the promise that she would return them if she got married. Lindsay came to my farewell and wrote me every couple months on my mission. None of them were romantic or anything, just friendly letters telling me about her life and what she was up to. I, in turn, sent her letters of advice about college-- like the best place to have a nap (the institute building).

Lucky for me when I got home from my mission Lindsay wasn't married. She did have a boyfriend, but he was kind of a loser, actually a pretty big loser, so I positioned myself perfectly for when she came to her senses and dumped the lameseter. I found out what ward she was in and joined it, also I joined her Family Home Evening group.

One night, just after I found out about Lindsay's recent change in relationship status, I went to a hockey game with her and a couple friends. We had a great time, even though the it stinks in the Eccles Ice Arena and I don't know anything about hockey. Then we flipped conversation hearts at each other at Lindsay's apartment. It was so much fun. It's amazing how even the simplest things can be a blast with Lindsay.

I really really wanted to go canoeing all winter, but I wasn't allowed to go until it was March. So once March came around I got out the canoe and tied it to the top of the truck and texted all my buddies telling them that they could have the chance of their lives and go canoeing with me. So I anxiously awaited for my friends, and Lindsay was the only one who came. Everyone else wimped out on me. But we were both excited to go, so the two of us took off and canoed around the Benson Sloughs. We talked a lot, and I realized how much we had in common and how she was so enthusiastic about life. We had a slight problem afterwards getting the canoe on top of the truck, but we got it figured out.

Lindsay spent a lot of time with me and my friends over spring break and on and off during the summer when she wasn't working. I went to Europe for a few weeks and she went away for 3 weeks to Philadelphia, and our vacations overlapped by about 3 days, so we went over a month and a half with out seeing each other. I took her roommate on a date to the fireworks when she was gone. It was exciting when Lindsay came home, we started hanging out a lot.

The day I finally got Lindsay to fall in love with me was just a few days before school started. A group of us decided to float down the canal on a hot summer day. I was going to share a tube with Kandice and Maren, but Dallin was really clumsy and kept falling over backwards in the water, so I let him be in the the big tube with the girls. Lindsay and I some how got a ways ahead of the group. We talked, laughed, and had a small water fight. Lindsay told me about how she missed Jacki and she couldn't tell Jacki everything that happened to her. Then she said "Well I guess, it's only a few days, not too many super exciting things could happen to me."

I mentioned a few things that could happen to her, like getting in a car crash or falling in love. Apparently at the moment she fell in love with me. She started texting me things that happened to her, like the fact that she had great cell phone reception in her apartment.

I invited her over to watch Heroes a few nights later. Some how she strategically placed herself so that there was less room on the couch and my spot was smaller. I looked at her with the look on my face that said "what happened to my spot".

She just smiled and said "You can cuddle with me". So I did.

I've been with her ever since.


Annette said...

Great reading entertainment. Thanks for giving us the "rest of the story."

Mindy said...

Cute. I like how taking her on her first date really "spices up" the story. You're funny. And I'm SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU GUYS!

Grace Face said...

hahaha i love the part when your part got smaller :) that's really cute. i'm happy for you two!!

Jessandra said...

How cool! I played a part in your engagement story! even the way you tell it! I kinda want to hear it from Lindsay's point of view now. You guys get married so soon!!!