Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 2: Why Superbriscoe?

Sometimes, I still ask myself the same question. Here is the source of the name, which I will try to explain.
This is SuperBriscoe, the crime fighting superhero. He was created sometime during the summer of 2006. By summer, I mean summer here in the US. In Chile it was the winter. That means that it is cold and rainy. So one day, I wore my underarmour underneath my suit and missionary clothes, because I was cold. When my companion and I got home, we went over our day, planned for the next day, and then I was changing my clothes. Once I had taken off my normal clothes (suit, sweater, shirt, tie, etc), I probably caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I am guessing that I saw myself in the mirror (yes, I know it is my own memory, but sometimes we don't know why we do what we do.) I think I decided I was like Spiderman, or any other spandex-clad superhero, so I tied my towel around my neck and went and attacked one of the other elders who lived in the apartment with us. This got a good reaction, and I got the name SuperBriscoe. For some random reason, probably just because that is the weird kind of things that 19 year olds do, that wasn't the end of it. Actually it was just the beginning. From that night, various different things happened, such as asking a member to pick up a pair of whitey tighties from the market, went ourselves to the market the next preparation day to find gloves, a larger white towel, the creation of a sweet superhero logo, and the addition of my headband. Then my outfit was complete. SuperBriscoe appeared several times during my mission, with his most public appearance being at a ward talent night (with basketball shorts instead of the whitey tighties, for modesty's sake).

So that is the story of SuperBriscoe. I figured that that would be an easy thing to remember, so that became my gmail account, and has been ever since.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Nice. I don't think I ever heard the whole story about that, but I remember when we got the picture in your missionary letter.