Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1: 15 Facts about Me

This is me.
Here are some "interesting" tidbits about myself:

1. I am not a good singer, but I like to take songs and make up random words to them to go along with whatever I am doing.
2. According to Alyna, I "dress very athletically for how nerdy I am." Thanks.
3. I can't do a cartwheel to save my life. I can do somersaults good though. Also I used to be able to do backflips on the tramp, but after a couple of bad landings I am too nervous to be able to do them anymore.
4. I like sugary candy a lot more than chocolate. My current top three are Swedish Fish, Licorice (Red vines or Twizzlers), and Mike and Ikes and Hot Tomales. Mike and Ikes and Hot Tomales are close enough to the same that I am counting them as one. On Tuesday I accidently ate a whole box of Hot Tomales in about 10 minutes at work.
5. I've been in 14 different countries and until recently was the only one in my family to go to the southern hemisphere. See if you can name all 14…
6. Before school started this year I spent about 3 hours a day watching survival shows on Discovery Science. My favorites are: Man Woman Wild, Suvivorman, Man vs. Wild, and Dual Survivors. If you want I can compare and contrast the 4 of them.
7. A lot of times I can forget that I am hungry or need to go to the bathroom for a long time, then I will all the sudden remember and have to eat or go to the bathroom immedietly.
8. Some of my biggest pet peeves are media time-outs in football and basketballs, senior citizen parking spots, and the sound of the TV turned on when nothing is playing.
9. I have a wife who makes me laugh a lot sometimes, like when she becomes the Nylon Monster, putting tights on her head and roaring, or reads Farmer Patrick Pig and cracks up whenever it mentions a pickle ( which is quite often in that one). I super love her.
10. Growing up, I participate in in 6 different sports: soccer, karate, basketball, football, cross country, and track.
11. Because I am a Briscoe, I naturally think that I am always right. I am realizing more and more that I am not. (Thanks to Lindsay, she says)
12. This semester I have spent between 40 and 60 hours a week outside of class doing homework.
13. My biggest fears, of ones that I actually experience, is heights. I am fine in an airplane or tall building, but when hiking or climbing, it scares me very bad. I also kind of like the adrenaline rush of that, so I do those things anyway. I always tell myself that I could force myself to make it to the top of Angel's Landing in Zion National Park, but I have never gone, so I don't know for sure.
14. One of my favorite parts of traveling is researching and planning the trip. Maybe I was born to be a travel agent instead.
15. I am willing to try almost any foods at least once. Sometimes I would eat weird things just to gross Jessica and Alyna out. When I did that with frog legs in France, I tried to talk Jessica into trying them by using Green Eggs and Ham rhymes for about an hour. The worst restaurant I have ever eaten at is the China Star Buffet in Reno, NV. It was very weird and not good at all.


Mindy said...

Love this. Especially #4, which is totally me too! We have been known to buy the 5 or 10 pound bags of Mike and Ikes or Hot Tamales but it is very bad for my health and good practice for my self control...

I also get #7, which Jeran thinks is so weird. Although with me it is more like us coming home from somewhere and an hour later, Jeran is like, "Didn't you say while we were away you needed to go to the bathroom?" "Oh yeah, I forgot again."

I had no idea you were scared of heights. Hmmm.

Farmer Patrick Pig is a funny book.

Lisa Pace said...

Finally, a blog update! I think that #7 might be a family trait because I do that too! Mostly with eating. If I get really busy, I can go a day or two without really eating a meal, which is bad.

I forgot that you did karate. I guess you had to learn a little self-defense with all your sisters around :)

Annette said...

Yeah hooo! A blog!!! Wow 14 countries, huh. I will have to think on that one. About #7 - you guys are all crazy. Just you wait another 20 years and that will change. Can't wait to see what the rest of the month brings.